This Website Is Not For Anyone But Me

I was just checking in on the site, without an idea for what to post, but hoping something would come to me. Maybe I’d write about the weird state emulation is in thanks to Yuzu being sued by, and settling with, Nintendo. Or maybe I’d write about the hassle I’ve gone through to sync a 20 year old iPod photo with iTunes today. I was considering writing about the state of social media and the emergence of competing open protocols ActivityPub and the AT protocol. But when I logged into my wordpress I found this comment:

You have created a website but it is not attractive to visitors.
Maybe you need help?
To get started, you need a good template. Templates can be found here – [link redacted]
Help with setting up WordPress, writing content for the site and SEO can be found here – [link redacted]
Plugins will help you quickly set up your site, they can be found here – [link redacted]
A beautiful logo, fonts and other web elements will also make the site more attractive. You can find them here – [link redacted]
If you need unique photos for the site, you can find them here – [link redacted]
This will help you start earning faster with the help of the site.

But here’s the thing: I don’t really want my website to be attractive to visitors. I don’t need help, it’s a website I’ve deliberately hidden from crawlers and I’ve deliberately chosen a dated looking theme and don’t want to put fancy logos or graphics on it. It’s not for making money and I don’t care if no one ever reads it. It’s just a fun place to post that isn’t the property of anyone but me.

So thanks, spam comment that didn’t even make it to a post, go fuck yourself.

Empty Desire to Play

Sometimes I have like an hour of free time sitting in my home office where all my video games happen to also be and I find myself really wanting to play *A* game, but then any particular game I think about doesn’t really sound quite right.

This could be for many reasons, I guess. If I don’t have a game I’m in the middle of, just an hour doesn’t really feel like the right amount of time to put into starting one. Some of the games I’ve been into lately are multiplayer, like Helldivers 2, and playing a single mission solo or playing with randos doesn’t sound great either.

Whatever it is, I should really figure out a way to get over it because often I end up thinking about playing games more than playing them and that’s not a great place to be in.

One way I could get over this is by essentially having a to-do list of games I’m either “currently playing” or need to play next. Lately that’s just been any PS3 games I have a low amount of trophies in, but I’m getting to the point where those are either not going to be started at all or I’m saving for actually digging into. So I should maybe tackle some of my backlog on my Steam Deck maybe.

Whatever it is, I’m going to try and take some screenshots and post updates here about what I’ve been playing lately! Like little mini reviews or something. Idk, it’s my blog I can write whatever I want and no one can stop me!